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Chrome Extension Ipad Simulator

broken image

It should be close to / in parity with the Chrome iOS browser, at least from a page rendering perspective (difference include things like Chrome's auto update feature, built-in PDF view, Chrome's custom print preview, etc. Mostly ancillary features to the core browsing experience. Emulate iPhone X on Chrome. Ask Question Asked 3 years ago. Active 2 years, 6 months ago. Viewed 15k times 5. I need to emulate an iPhone X on Chrome. I have found the info below: Height: 5.65 inches (143.6 mm) Width: 2.79 inches (70.9 mm) Can you tell me which values should I.

There are instructions for other platforms linked from the get the code page.

IOS: Chrome for iOS has been updated with full iOS 8 support, including the ability to use Apple-approved third-party extensions in the browser. This means you can integrate apps like Pocket. This is another fantastic chrome extension that will save you from all the hassle of installation. It comes with a very intuitive user interface that comes with powerful tools and features. The interface is quite like what you see on iPhone and iPads. The Ripple emulator supports all versions of iPhone apps; old and latest alike.

Instructions for Google Employees

Are you a Google employee? See go/building-chrome instead.

System requirements

  • A 64-bit Mac running 10.12.6 or later.
  • Xcode 12.0 or higher.
  • The current version of the JDK (required for the Closure compiler).

Install depot_tools

Clone the depot_tools repository:

Add depot_tools to the end of your PATH (you will probably want to put this in your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc). Assuming you cloned depot_tools to /path/to/depot_tools:

Get the code

Create a chromium directory for the checkout and change to it (you can call this whatever you like and put it wherever you like, as long as the full path has no spaces):

Run the fetch tool from depot_tools to check out the code and its dependencies.

If you don't want the full repo history, you can save a lot of time by adding the --no-history flag to fetch.

Expect the command to take 30 minutes on even a fast connection, and many hours on slower ones.

When fetch completes, it will have created a hidden .gclient file and a directory called src in the working directory. The remaining instructions assume you have switched to the src directory:

Optional: You can also install API keys if you want your build to talk to some Google services, but this is not necessary for most development and testing purposes.

Setting up the build

Since the iOS build is a bit more complicated than a desktop build, we provide ios/build/tools/, which will create four appropriately configured build directories under out for Release and Debug device and simulator builds, and generates an appropriate Xcode project (out/build/all.xcodeproj) as well.

More information about developing with Xcode. Xcode project is an artifact, any changes made in the project itself will be ignored.

You can customize the build by editing the file $HOME/.setup-gn (create it if it does not exist). Look at src/ios/build/tools/setup-gn.config for available configuration options.

From this point, you can either build from Xcode or from the command line using autoninja. creates sub-directories named out/${configuration}-${platform}, so for a Debug build for simulator use:

(autoninja is a wrapper that automatically provides optimal values for the arguments passed to ninja.)

Note: The script needs to run every time one of the files is updated (either by you or after rebasing). If you forget to run it, the list of targets and files in the Xcode solution may be stale. You can run the script directly or use either gclient sync or gclient runhooks which will run for you as part of the update hooks.

You can add a custom hook to .gclient file to configure to be run as part of gclient runhooks. In that case, your .gclient file would look like this:

You can also follow the manual instructions on the Mac page, but make sure you set the GN arg target_os='ios'.

Building for device

To be able to build and run Chromium and the tests for devices, you need to have an Apple developer account (a free one will work) and the appropriate provisioning profiles, then configure the build to use them.

Code signing identity

Please refer to the Apple documentation on how to get a code signing identity and certificates. You can check that you have a code signing identity correctly installed by running the following command.

If the command output says you have zero valid identities, then you do not have a code signing identity installed and need to get one from Apple. If you have more than one identity, the build system may select the wrong one automatically, and you can use the ios_code_signing_identity gn variable to control which one to use by setting it to the identity hash, e.g. to '0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF01234567'.

Mobile provisioning profiles

Once you have the code signing identity, you need to decide on a prefix for the application bundle identifier. This is controlled by the gn variable ios_app_bundle_id_prefix and usually corresponds to a reversed domain name (the default value is 'org.chromium').

You then need to request provisioning profiles from Apple for your devices for the following bundle identifiers to build and run Chromium with these application extensions:

  • ${prefix}.chrome.ios.herebedragons
  • ${prefix}.chrome.ios.herebedragons.ShareExtension
  • ${prefix}.chrome.ios.herebedragons.TodayExtension
  • ${prefix}.chrome.ios.herebedragons.SearchTodayExtension

All these certificates need to have the 'App Groups' ( capability enabled for the following groups:

  • group.${prefix}.chrome
  • group.${prefix}.common

The group.${prefix}.chrome is only shared by Chromium and its extensions to share files and configurations while the group.${prefix}.common is shared with Chromium and other applications from the same organisation and can be used to send commands to Chromium.

Mobile provisioning profiles for tests

In addition to that, you need a different provisioning profile for each test application. Those provisioning profile will have a bundle identifier matching the following pattern ${prefix}.gtest.${test-suite-name} where ${test-suite-name} is the name of the test suite with underscores changed to dashes (e.g. base_unittests app will use ${prefix}.gest.base-unittests as bundle identifier).

To be able to run the EarlGrey tests on a device, you'll need two provisioning profiles for EarlGrey and OCHamcrest frameworks:

  • ${prefix}.test.OCHamcrest
  • ${prefix}.test.EarlGrey

In addition to that, then you'll need one additional provisioning profile for the XCTest module too. It must match the pattern: ${prefix}.gtest.${test-suite-name}-module.

Other applications

Other applications like ios_web_shell usually will require mobile provisioning profiles with bundle identifiers that may usually match the following pattern ${prefix}.${application-name} and may require specific capabilities.

Generally, if the mobile provisioning profile is missing then the code signing step will fail and will print the bundle identifier of the bundle that could not be signed on the command line, e.g.:

Here, the build is failing because there are no mobile provisioning profiles installed that could sign the bundle with the identity 0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF01234567. To fix the build, you'll need to request such a mobile provisioning profile from Apple.

You can inspect the file passed via the -e flag to the script to check which capabilites are required for the mobile provisioning profile (e.g. src/build/config/ios/entitlements.plist for the above build error, remember that the paths are relative to the build directory, not to the source directory).

If the required capabilities are not enabled on the mobile provisioning profile, then it will be impossible to install the application on a device (Xcode will display an error stating that 'The application was signed with invalid entitlements').

Running apps from the command line

Any target that is built and runs on the bots (see below) should run successfully in a local build. To run in the simulator from the command line, you can use iossim. For example, to run a debug build of Chromium:

With Xcode 9, iossim no longer automatically launches the Simulator. This must now be done manually from within Xcode (Xcode > Open Developer Tool > Simulator), and also must be done after running iossim.

Passing arguments

Arguments needed to be passed to the test application through iossim, such as --gtest_filter=SomeTest.FooBar should be passed through the -c flag:

Running EarlGrey tests

EarlGrey tests are run differently than other test targets, as there is an XCTest bundle that is injected into the target application. Therefore you must also pass in the test bundle:

Running on specific simulator

Ipad simulator pc

By default, iossim will pick an arbitrary simulator to run the tests. If you want to run them on a specific simulator, you can use -d to pick the simulated device and -s to select the iOS version.

For example, to run the tests on a simulated iPhone 6s running iOS 10.0, you would invoke iossim like this.

Please note that by default only a subset of simulator devices are installed with Xcode. You may have to install additional simulators in Xcode (or even an older version of Xcode) to be able to run on a specific configuration.

Go to 'Preferences > Components' tab in Xcode to install other simulator images (this is the location the setting is in Xcode 9.2; it may be different in other version of the tool).

Update your checkout

To update an existing checkout, you can run

The first command updates the primary Chromium source repository and rebases any of your local branches on top of tip-of-tree (aka the Git branch origin/master). If you don't want to use this script, you can also just use git pull or other common Git commands to update the repo.

The second command syncs dependencies to the appropriate versions and re-runs hooks as needed.

Tips, tricks, and troubleshooting

Remember that the XCode project you interact with while working on Chromium is a build artifact, generated from the files. Do not use it to add new files; instead see the procedures for working with files.

If you have problems building, join us in #chromium on and ask there. As mentioned above, be sure that the waterfall is green and the tree is open before checking out. This will increase your chances of success.


To help with deterministic builds, and to work with Goma, the path to source files in debugging symbols are relative to source directory. To allow Xcode to find the source files, you need to ensure to have an ~/.lldbinit-Xcode file with the following lines into it (substitute {SRC} for your actual path to the root of Chromium's sources):

This will also allow you to see the content of some of Chromium types in the debugger like base::string16, .. If you want to use lldb directly, name the file ~/.lldbinit instead of ~/.lldbinit-Xcode.

Changing the version of Xcode

To change the version of Xcode used to build Chromium on iOS, please follow the steps below:

  1. Launch the new version of

    This is required as Xcode may need to install some components into the system before the new version can be used from the command-line.

  2. Reboot your computer.

    This is required as some of Xcode components are daemons that are not automatically stopped when updating Xcode, and command-line tools will fail if the daemon version is incompatible (usually actool fails).

  3. Run gn gen.

    This is required as the ninja files generated by gn encodes some information about Xcode (notably the path to the SDK, ..) that will change with each version. It is not possible to have ninja re-run gn gen automatically when those changes unfortunately.

    If you have a downstream chekout, run gclient runhooks instead of gn gen as it will ensure that gn gen will be run automatically for all possible combination of target and configuration from within Xcode.

If you skip some of those steps, the build may occasionally succeed, but it has been observed in the past that those steps are required in the vast majority of the situation. Please save yourself some painful build debugging and follow them.

If you use xcode-select to switch between multiple version of Xcode, you will have to follow the same steps.

Improving performance of git status

Increase the vnode cache size

git status is used frequently to determine the status of your checkout. Due to the large number of files in Chromium‘s checkout, git status performance can be quite variable. Increasing the system's vnode cache appears to help. By default, this command:

Outputs kern.maxvnodes: 263168 (263168 is 257 * 1024). To increase this setting:

Higher values may be appropriate if you routinely move between different Chromium checkouts. This setting will reset on reboot, the startup setting can be set in /etc/sysctl.conf:

Or edit the file directly.

Configure git to use an untracked cache

If git --version reports 2.8 or higher, try running

If the output ends with OK, then the following may also improve performance of git status:

If git --version reports 2.6 or higher, but below 2.8, you can instead run

Xcode license agreement

If you're getting the error

Agreeing to the Xcode/iOS license requires admin privileges, please re-run as root via sudo.

the Xcode license hasn't been accepted yet which (contrary to the message) any user can do by running:

Only accepting for all users of the machine requires root:

Best iOS Emulator for PC in 2020 - Almost everyone knows about iOS. Apple devices like the iPhone and iPad running oniOS. It is a very optimized operating system developed by Apple. If you are an apple lover, then you can use this operating system on your computer also. All you need to do is installiOS Emulator in your computer. In this article, we will discuss the bestiOS Emulators for PC.


  1. List of Best iOS Emulators for PC in 2020

Why Looking for the Best iOS Emulator for Windows PC 2020?

But, first, you must understand the meaning of Emulator. Emulators function is to emulate different operating system in your computer. It is the most unique software available in the market. If you are a gamer, then you run Play station or Xbox games on your computer. If you are a developer, then you can run your app on different operating systems. The emulator is beneficial for every type of people. Mobile Emulators can run mobile operating systems on the computer. The two most famous mobile operating systems are Android and iOS. The iOS operating system runs on Apple devices like iPhone and iPad.


  1. List of Best iOS Emulators for PC in 2020

List of Best iOS Emulators for PC in 2020

Thanks to iOS emulators, you can experience the Apples operating system on your PC. You don't need to buy expensive Apple devices for testing iOS platform. If you want to test your apps on Apple devices, then the iOS emulator is perfect for you. Apple devices are very expensive. Thus, it is not a good idea to buy Apple devices just for testing purpose. If you justwant to experience the Apple operating system, then the emulator is perfect for you. You can easily transfer files using an emulator. If you are a normal user, then you can also experience the iOS interface via emulators.

It is difficult to find emulators for other platforms. But, you can easily find emulators for iOS platform. There are many iOS emulators available in the market for MAC or Windows PC. We have tried all these emulators on our computer. After testing these emulators we have created a list of best iOS emulators available for Mac and PC. We have also added a small review for every emulator. Hence, you can easily find the best emulator for you.

Smartface : Perfect iOS Emulator for PC Platform - Emulator Link

Smartface is a very versatile emulator. It is available on many devices like Mac and Windows PC. The unique thing about this emulator is that it is also supported on iOS devices. You can run this emulator on your Apple devices like iPads and iPhones. If you are using an Android phone, then you can install Smartface in it for the iOS experience. This feature is perfect for developers. You can test your application from any device you own. This function allows you to test your applications from your mobile devices. All you need to activate this emulator is to download it in your PC or Mac. After that run Smartface emulator on your computer. You will see 'Run on device' option just click on it. Last, you need to scan the QR code from your mobile phone.

Smartface is the perfect emulator for developers and power users. It has many features available for developers like cross-platform testing. You can also adapt the resolution of the emulator to the iPhone or iPad size. There is a free version of this emulator available. But, it has very limited features. If you want the full version of this software, then you send a requesthere. Smartface will set the pricing according to your needs.

Xamarin TestFlight : Perfect iOS Emulator for Mac Platform - iOS Emulator Link

Xamarin Testflight is the official Apple beta tester tool for testing apps. This emulator is specifically designed for the Mac operating system. Developers can test their iOS applications on this emulator. But, Testflight only supports iOS 8.0 and above applications. This emulator is available only for iTunes user. You need to connect it with your iTunes account via iTunes Connect. iTunes Connect is a service started by Apple. It lets developer upload, manage and review their content.

If you want to test your application, then you first need to create an iTunes Connect account. After that, you can publish and recode your applications. Before publishing your app, you need to add the metadata in your account. If the data entered is according to Apple requirements, then you can beta test your apps.

It is difficult to set up this application for newbie users. Thus, this application is perfect for developers. More than 1000 users can test your application on this platform. Hence, you can improve your application in the beta phase.

This application is free for every user. You can download this application directly from theApple store.

AIR iPhone : Easy iOS Emulator for PC users - iOS Emulator

The first two tools were suitable for developers. If you are a normal user, then those tools are not made for you. AIR iPhone is the perfect iOS Emulator for casual use. If you want to try iPhone interface, then this emulator for you. You can also play iPhone games using this emulator. You can also test your applications on this emulator. But, this emulator doesn't provide many features for developers. This emulator generates a replica of the iOS operating system. Thus, you can get the feel of the iPhone device on this emulator.

This emulator is not limited to casual users only. Developers can also use this emulator for testing their apps and games. AIR iPhone is very famous among casual users. You can get a feel of actual iPhone on this emulator. But, some built-in applications don't work on this emulator. Also, the hardware replication is not perfect on this emulator. The developers of this software are updating this tool every month. The best thing about this emulator is that it is free to use. You will also receive monthly updates. You can download version 3.03 from the official website of AIR iPhone. If you want to download this emulator then click on thislink. – Versatile iOS Emulator made for both Mac and PC users - Emulator Link

Appetize has the best User interface in this list. Thus, it is user-friendly. You don't even need to install their software in your PC. You can use the iOS emulator on your chrome or firefox browser. All you need to do is visit their official website. There is an iPhone emulator already coded on their website. Thus, you can use iPhone emulator installing no software. If you are a new PC user, then is perfect for you.

This platform is not limited to casual use only. If you are a developer, then you can test your application on this platform. First, you need to upload your app on this website. After that, you can access that app from the iPhone emulator provided in the browser. This process is very similar to streaming online videos. Thus, there are streaming limits which you can remove by purchasing plans.

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The emulator is directly available on the browser. Hence, you can access the emulator from any Mac or PC. You can also use this emulator on your mobile device. If you are low on a budget, then you can use the free version of this app. You can use the emulator for 100 minutes per month. If you want to increase the streaming time, then you can purchase the paid version of the app. There are many paid plans available on thiswebsite.

iPadian - Emulator Link

iPadian is the most famous emulator in the market. If you want iPad experience, then iPadian is perfect for you. But, you can't upload your own apps in this emulator. Thus, this emulator is not good for developers.

However, you can download any app from the App Store. There are many apps which you can download from the emulator library. These apps are not available on Apple iTunes Store app. But these apps are compatible with the iPadian emulator. Thus, you will get new apps every week. The user interface of iPadian is also very smooth. You won't experience any lag while using this application. The installation process is easy. You can download the software from the official website and install it in your operating system. iPadian is compatible with both Mac and Windows PC.

There is no free version of the emulator. You need to pay $20 to use this emulator. If you want to try this emulator, then you can purchase it fromhere.

ElectricMobile Studio –perfect iOS Emulator made for PC users - Emulator Link

Electric Mobile Studio is another great iOS Emulator for PC. It is a great tool for developers. There are many features available on this emulator. There is an integrated WebKit debugging tool available for the developers. You can also integrate Visual Studio with this emulator. Hence, you can easily code directly on this emulator.

This emulator supports Visual Studio 2013, 2015 and 2012. First Electric Mobile Studio will search for these applications in your computer. If you have installed these applications in your PC, then it will automatically add it in the UI. You can directly test your applications on iPhone and iPad resolutions.

If you have tried Chrome Webkit, then integrated WebKit debugging tool is perfect for you. It allows you to debug your code by running it on different aspect levels.

You can use Electric Mobile Studio to run iOS on your computer. It is perfect for developers because you can change the resolution of the emulator. Hence, you can test your application on all the platforms. You can get a free 7 day trial of this software. After that, you need to pay $39.99 for the full purchase. If you want to purchase or try this software, then you can download it fromhere.

Ripple : iPhone and iOS Emulator for Mac users - Emulator Link

Ripple is perfect for Mac and Windows users. But, this emulator installation process differs from other emulators. You can't download this emulator or run it in your browser. You need to install their chrome extension from the Chrome store. Thus, you can run this emulator directly on your chrome browser.

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Ripple is a very lightweight extension. It only needs 4.5MB of your hard disk space. This extension works with HTML5. Hence, you can do both testing and application development in this emulator. This emulator is perfect for those developers who use tools like PhoneGap and Webworks. Ripple iOS emulator offers various features like:

• Automatic Testing System

• Screen dimension variation

• Adaptability

• Multiple devices available for emulation

• Javascript enabled. Thus, you can directly change your code without restarting the app or emulator.

Ripple can support a wide range of old and new applications. But, it has received no update since 2013. The developers of Ripple have abandoned the project. After some time this emulator will become useless because it won't support new iOS systems.

It is available for free. All you need to do is install the Chrome browser in your PC or Mac. After that, you can download the extension from this link.

Remoted iOS Simulator : iPhone and iOS Emulator - Emulator Link

You can run this iOS emulator on your PC. This emulator made for developers only who want to test their applications. This emulator is perfect for developers. But, the setup process is quite a complication. Your computer must fulfill these requirements:

• Your computer must run on Microsoft Windows.

• You must have Visual Studio 2020 or 2017 installed on your computer.

• A Mac built host (you must have a computer running on Mac OSx).

Perform various steps to install this emulator. After that, you will realize the true potential of this emulator. You can use libraries and tools from the Visual code Studio. You can directly see the results in the iOS emulator. There are various iOS functions which you can translate to your PC. Some of these functions are shaking, rotation, screenshot, lock screen and location service.

This iOS emulator is also compatible with touch devices. You can use it on new Windows laptops which have a touch screen enabled. First, download Visual Studio 2020 or 2017 in your PC. After that, you can install the Remote iOS simulator in your computer. If you want to download this emulator, then click on this link.

· Pros

- Intuitive UI

- Ideal for testing iOS apps

· Cons

- Limited features and ability

Remoted iOS Simulator is a simulator that is developed by Xamarin. The emulator works the same way as Xamarin Testflight or Xamarin Emulator itself.

It is a watered-down Xamarin Emulator. This emulator is suitable for users who do not have enough technical ability on how to successfully operate the Xamarin Emulator.
Remoted iOS simulator has a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to navigate. It also provides users the ability to debug an app using the Visual Studio on windows computer.

The Visual Studio makes it easy to solve the bugs you discover in your app by pointing you to the exact problem your app is experiencing. The emulator also has some features like shake gestures, screenshot option, home button and lots more.

It is available on windows and you can download it HERE


By default, iossim will pick an arbitrary simulator to run the tests. If you want to run them on a specific simulator, you can use -d to pick the simulated device and -s to select the iOS version.

For example, to run the tests on a simulated iPhone 6s running iOS 10.0, you would invoke iossim like this.

Please note that by default only a subset of simulator devices are installed with Xcode. You may have to install additional simulators in Xcode (or even an older version of Xcode) to be able to run on a specific configuration.

Go to 'Preferences > Components' tab in Xcode to install other simulator images (this is the location the setting is in Xcode 9.2; it may be different in other version of the tool).

Update your checkout

To update an existing checkout, you can run

The first command updates the primary Chromium source repository and rebases any of your local branches on top of tip-of-tree (aka the Git branch origin/master). If you don't want to use this script, you can also just use git pull or other common Git commands to update the repo.

The second command syncs dependencies to the appropriate versions and re-runs hooks as needed.

Tips, tricks, and troubleshooting

Remember that the XCode project you interact with while working on Chromium is a build artifact, generated from the files. Do not use it to add new files; instead see the procedures for working with files.

If you have problems building, join us in #chromium on and ask there. As mentioned above, be sure that the waterfall is green and the tree is open before checking out. This will increase your chances of success.


To help with deterministic builds, and to work with Goma, the path to source files in debugging symbols are relative to source directory. To allow Xcode to find the source files, you need to ensure to have an ~/.lldbinit-Xcode file with the following lines into it (substitute {SRC} for your actual path to the root of Chromium's sources):

This will also allow you to see the content of some of Chromium types in the debugger like base::string16, .. If you want to use lldb directly, name the file ~/.lldbinit instead of ~/.lldbinit-Xcode.

Changing the version of Xcode

To change the version of Xcode used to build Chromium on iOS, please follow the steps below:

  1. Launch the new version of

    This is required as Xcode may need to install some components into the system before the new version can be used from the command-line.

  2. Reboot your computer.

    This is required as some of Xcode components are daemons that are not automatically stopped when updating Xcode, and command-line tools will fail if the daemon version is incompatible (usually actool fails).

  3. Run gn gen.

    This is required as the ninja files generated by gn encodes some information about Xcode (notably the path to the SDK, ..) that will change with each version. It is not possible to have ninja re-run gn gen automatically when those changes unfortunately.

    If you have a downstream chekout, run gclient runhooks instead of gn gen as it will ensure that gn gen will be run automatically for all possible combination of target and configuration from within Xcode.

If you skip some of those steps, the build may occasionally succeed, but it has been observed in the past that those steps are required in the vast majority of the situation. Please save yourself some painful build debugging and follow them.

If you use xcode-select to switch between multiple version of Xcode, you will have to follow the same steps.

Improving performance of git status

Increase the vnode cache size

git status is used frequently to determine the status of your checkout. Due to the large number of files in Chromium‘s checkout, git status performance can be quite variable. Increasing the system's vnode cache appears to help. By default, this command:

Outputs kern.maxvnodes: 263168 (263168 is 257 * 1024). To increase this setting:

Higher values may be appropriate if you routinely move between different Chromium checkouts. This setting will reset on reboot, the startup setting can be set in /etc/sysctl.conf:

Or edit the file directly.

Configure git to use an untracked cache

If git --version reports 2.8 or higher, try running

If the output ends with OK, then the following may also improve performance of git status:

If git --version reports 2.6 or higher, but below 2.8, you can instead run

Xcode license agreement

If you're getting the error

Agreeing to the Xcode/iOS license requires admin privileges, please re-run as root via sudo.

the Xcode license hasn't been accepted yet which (contrary to the message) any user can do by running:

Only accepting for all users of the machine requires root:

Best iOS Emulator for PC in 2020 - Almost everyone knows about iOS. Apple devices like the iPhone and iPad running oniOS. It is a very optimized operating system developed by Apple. If you are an apple lover, then you can use this operating system on your computer also. All you need to do is installiOS Emulator in your computer. In this article, we will discuss the bestiOS Emulators for PC.


  1. List of Best iOS Emulators for PC in 2020

Why Looking for the Best iOS Emulator for Windows PC 2020?

But, first, you must understand the meaning of Emulator. Emulators function is to emulate different operating system in your computer. It is the most unique software available in the market. If you are a gamer, then you run Play station or Xbox games on your computer. If you are a developer, then you can run your app on different operating systems. The emulator is beneficial for every type of people. Mobile Emulators can run mobile operating systems on the computer. The two most famous mobile operating systems are Android and iOS. The iOS operating system runs on Apple devices like iPhone and iPad.


  1. List of Best iOS Emulators for PC in 2020

List of Best iOS Emulators for PC in 2020

Thanks to iOS emulators, you can experience the Apples operating system on your PC. You don't need to buy expensive Apple devices for testing iOS platform. If you want to test your apps on Apple devices, then the iOS emulator is perfect for you. Apple devices are very expensive. Thus, it is not a good idea to buy Apple devices just for testing purpose. If you justwant to experience the Apple operating system, then the emulator is perfect for you. You can easily transfer files using an emulator. If you are a normal user, then you can also experience the iOS interface via emulators.

It is difficult to find emulators for other platforms. But, you can easily find emulators for iOS platform. There are many iOS emulators available in the market for MAC or Windows PC. We have tried all these emulators on our computer. After testing these emulators we have created a list of best iOS emulators available for Mac and PC. We have also added a small review for every emulator. Hence, you can easily find the best emulator for you.

Smartface : Perfect iOS Emulator for PC Platform - Emulator Link

Smartface is a very versatile emulator. It is available on many devices like Mac and Windows PC. The unique thing about this emulator is that it is also supported on iOS devices. You can run this emulator on your Apple devices like iPads and iPhones. If you are using an Android phone, then you can install Smartface in it for the iOS experience. This feature is perfect for developers. You can test your application from any device you own. This function allows you to test your applications from your mobile devices. All you need to activate this emulator is to download it in your PC or Mac. After that run Smartface emulator on your computer. You will see 'Run on device' option just click on it. Last, you need to scan the QR code from your mobile phone.

Smartface is the perfect emulator for developers and power users. It has many features available for developers like cross-platform testing. You can also adapt the resolution of the emulator to the iPhone or iPad size. There is a free version of this emulator available. But, it has very limited features. If you want the full version of this software, then you send a requesthere. Smartface will set the pricing according to your needs.

Xamarin TestFlight : Perfect iOS Emulator for Mac Platform - iOS Emulator Link

Xamarin Testflight is the official Apple beta tester tool for testing apps. This emulator is specifically designed for the Mac operating system. Developers can test their iOS applications on this emulator. But, Testflight only supports iOS 8.0 and above applications. This emulator is available only for iTunes user. You need to connect it with your iTunes account via iTunes Connect. iTunes Connect is a service started by Apple. It lets developer upload, manage and review their content.

If you want to test your application, then you first need to create an iTunes Connect account. After that, you can publish and recode your applications. Before publishing your app, you need to add the metadata in your account. If the data entered is according to Apple requirements, then you can beta test your apps.

It is difficult to set up this application for newbie users. Thus, this application is perfect for developers. More than 1000 users can test your application on this platform. Hence, you can improve your application in the beta phase.

This application is free for every user. You can download this application directly from theApple store.

AIR iPhone : Easy iOS Emulator for PC users - iOS Emulator

The first two tools were suitable for developers. If you are a normal user, then those tools are not made for you. AIR iPhone is the perfect iOS Emulator for casual use. If you want to try iPhone interface, then this emulator for you. You can also play iPhone games using this emulator. You can also test your applications on this emulator. But, this emulator doesn't provide many features for developers. This emulator generates a replica of the iOS operating system. Thus, you can get the feel of the iPhone device on this emulator.

This emulator is not limited to casual users only. Developers can also use this emulator for testing their apps and games. AIR iPhone is very famous among casual users. You can get a feel of actual iPhone on this emulator. But, some built-in applications don't work on this emulator. Also, the hardware replication is not perfect on this emulator. The developers of this software are updating this tool every month. The best thing about this emulator is that it is free to use. You will also receive monthly updates. You can download version 3.03 from the official website of AIR iPhone. If you want to download this emulator then click on thislink. – Versatile iOS Emulator made for both Mac and PC users - Emulator Link

Appetize has the best User interface in this list. Thus, it is user-friendly. You don't even need to install their software in your PC. You can use the iOS emulator on your chrome or firefox browser. All you need to do is visit their official website. There is an iPhone emulator already coded on their website. Thus, you can use iPhone emulator installing no software. If you are a new PC user, then is perfect for you.

This platform is not limited to casual use only. If you are a developer, then you can test your application on this platform. First, you need to upload your app on this website. After that, you can access that app from the iPhone emulator provided in the browser. This process is very similar to streaming online videos. Thus, there are streaming limits which you can remove by purchasing plans.

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The emulator is directly available on the browser. Hence, you can access the emulator from any Mac or PC. You can also use this emulator on your mobile device. If you are low on a budget, then you can use the free version of this app. You can use the emulator for 100 minutes per month. If you want to increase the streaming time, then you can purchase the paid version of the app. There are many paid plans available on thiswebsite.

iPadian - Emulator Link

iPadian is the most famous emulator in the market. If you want iPad experience, then iPadian is perfect for you. But, you can't upload your own apps in this emulator. Thus, this emulator is not good for developers.

However, you can download any app from the App Store. There are many apps which you can download from the emulator library. These apps are not available on Apple iTunes Store app. But these apps are compatible with the iPadian emulator. Thus, you will get new apps every week. The user interface of iPadian is also very smooth. You won't experience any lag while using this application. The installation process is easy. You can download the software from the official website and install it in your operating system. iPadian is compatible with both Mac and Windows PC.

There is no free version of the emulator. You need to pay $20 to use this emulator. If you want to try this emulator, then you can purchase it fromhere.

ElectricMobile Studio –perfect iOS Emulator made for PC users - Emulator Link

Electric Mobile Studio is another great iOS Emulator for PC. It is a great tool for developers. There are many features available on this emulator. There is an integrated WebKit debugging tool available for the developers. You can also integrate Visual Studio with this emulator. Hence, you can easily code directly on this emulator.

This emulator supports Visual Studio 2013, 2015 and 2012. First Electric Mobile Studio will search for these applications in your computer. If you have installed these applications in your PC, then it will automatically add it in the UI. You can directly test your applications on iPhone and iPad resolutions.

If you have tried Chrome Webkit, then integrated WebKit debugging tool is perfect for you. It allows you to debug your code by running it on different aspect levels.

You can use Electric Mobile Studio to run iOS on your computer. It is perfect for developers because you can change the resolution of the emulator. Hence, you can test your application on all the platforms. You can get a free 7 day trial of this software. After that, you need to pay $39.99 for the full purchase. If you want to purchase or try this software, then you can download it fromhere.

Ripple : iPhone and iOS Emulator for Mac users - Emulator Link

Ripple is perfect for Mac and Windows users. But, this emulator installation process differs from other emulators. You can't download this emulator or run it in your browser. You need to install their chrome extension from the Chrome store. Thus, you can run this emulator directly on your chrome browser.

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Ripple is a very lightweight extension. It only needs 4.5MB of your hard disk space. This extension works with HTML5. Hence, you can do both testing and application development in this emulator. This emulator is perfect for those developers who use tools like PhoneGap and Webworks. Ripple iOS emulator offers various features like:

• Automatic Testing System

• Screen dimension variation

• Adaptability

• Multiple devices available for emulation

• Javascript enabled. Thus, you can directly change your code without restarting the app or emulator.

Ripple can support a wide range of old and new applications. But, it has received no update since 2013. The developers of Ripple have abandoned the project. After some time this emulator will become useless because it won't support new iOS systems.

It is available for free. All you need to do is install the Chrome browser in your PC or Mac. After that, you can download the extension from this link.

Remoted iOS Simulator : iPhone and iOS Emulator - Emulator Link

You can run this iOS emulator on your PC. This emulator made for developers only who want to test their applications. This emulator is perfect for developers. But, the setup process is quite a complication. Your computer must fulfill these requirements:

• Your computer must run on Microsoft Windows.

• You must have Visual Studio 2020 or 2017 installed on your computer.

• A Mac built host (you must have a computer running on Mac OSx).

Perform various steps to install this emulator. After that, you will realize the true potential of this emulator. You can use libraries and tools from the Visual code Studio. You can directly see the results in the iOS emulator. There are various iOS functions which you can translate to your PC. Some of these functions are shaking, rotation, screenshot, lock screen and location service.

This iOS emulator is also compatible with touch devices. You can use it on new Windows laptops which have a touch screen enabled. First, download Visual Studio 2020 or 2017 in your PC. After that, you can install the Remote iOS simulator in your computer. If you want to download this emulator, then click on this link.

· Pros

- Intuitive UI

- Ideal for testing iOS apps

· Cons

- Limited features and ability

Remoted iOS Simulator is a simulator that is developed by Xamarin. The emulator works the same way as Xamarin Testflight or Xamarin Emulator itself.

It is a watered-down Xamarin Emulator. This emulator is suitable for users who do not have enough technical ability on how to successfully operate the Xamarin Emulator.
Remoted iOS simulator has a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to navigate. It also provides users the ability to debug an app using the Visual Studio on windows computer.

The Visual Studio makes it easy to solve the bugs you discover in your app by pointing you to the exact problem your app is experiencing. The emulator also has some features like shake gestures, screenshot option, home button and lots more.

It is available on windows and you can download it HERE

iMAME - Emulator Link


- Best for playing games


- Supports cheats in games

- Supports over 8000 ROMs

iMame is a product of MAME. The goal of MAME is to ensure that vintage games are not forgotten. This is evident in what the emulator can do.

The emulator serves as a means of preserving gaming history. Because of this, you can only use it to play arcade games only. It recreates the hardware of arcade games in PCs. The emulator is always receiving new updates from its developers.

iMame was not meant as an iOS emulator. The emulator comes in two versions. There is one that supports only iOS apps and one that supports Android apps. There are lots of arcade games you can play using iMame. The latest versions of the emulator allow you to play arcade games made for iOS 10 devices.

There are varieties of ROMs you can start playing as soon as you download the emulator. The list of these games is on the official website of the developers.

Note: there are reviews that the emulator is not so good. While you can check out other emulators on the list, iMame is still worth checking out.

The software is available for PCs running Windows, macOS, Linux, Amiga, etc. You can download the app from the official website of the developers.

MobiOne Studios - Emulator Link


- Renders high-quality graphics

- Ideal for cross-platform app testing

- Runs on low-end PCs


- No new updates

MobiOne Studios is one of the best iOS emulators out there. You can also use it as a visual designer. It emulates iPhones well without tasking your computer too much. The fact that the emulator can run well on low-end PCs makes it popular among start-up app developers.

The emulator is ideal for developing and designing apps that can run on both iOS and Android devices. There are impressive pre-installed templates that come with the software. These templates make developing iOS and Android apps easy and fast.

MobiOne is one of the few software that offers realistic iPhone experience. You can play iOS games without lags and also customize your app's icons. In fact, users rate it as one of the best emulators for gaming. It has functions and features that allow users to use the iPhone notification system.

The emulator is no longer receiving new updates i.e. discontinued but it still works if you download it. There is no official link or website to download the emulator but you can download the software HERE - Emulator Link

· Pros

- User-friendly interface

- Allows syncing

· Cons

- You have to pay for the software

One of the best emulators for PC, it is professional software that works online. This implies that it is a web-based emulator. It functions as a cross-platform app tester. You can use it to test games or apps for both iOS and Android.

App .io provides an environment where you can test your app thoroughly. It allows you to interact and enhance the app as you see fit.

Although the emulator is good and even runs without using too much computer resources, it can be very slow at times. Also, regardless of how fast and stable your internet connection is, uploading an app on the emulator still takes some time.

There is a feature that allows users to sync iOS apps with the emulator itself.

It is the best alternative to appetize .io. In fact, it is currently ranked one of the best iOS emulators for Windows PC.

Note: App .io is a paid emulator. There is a 7- days free trial for users to test what they are paying for. The emulator is available for Windows PC and Mac.

Download Link: HERE

Nintendo 3Ds Emulator - Emulator Link

· Pros

- Best iOS gaming emulator

- Recommended by iOS device users

As the name implies, it is only for running iOS games on PC. It allows users to run 3D iOS games on their computer. You can also load 2D games on the emulator without stress.

Nintendo 3D emulator bests other emulators in the market hands down and is quitepopular among gamers as the ideal gaming emulator.

What makes it the ideal gaming emulator is that it can run almost all iPhone games with ease.

It is one of the oldest emulators and is highly recommended by iOS users. The emulator provides a smooth gaming experience and runs without lags.

The emulator is available for Windows and Mac PCs.

Download Link: HERE

iPhone and iPad Simulator - Emulator Link

· Pros

- Perfect rendering of the iPhone device

- Smooth and lag-free interactions

- Excellent graphics quality

· Cons

- Cannot access App Store

This is another simulator that allows users to run iOS apps on their PC. Unlike other software in this list, this software is a simulator.

As a simulator, it clones your windows computer into a virtual iPhone device. As soon as you launch the software, all your computer's screen will be a virtual iPhone. Device. One of the impressive things about the simulator is that it replicates an iPhone with superb graphics quality.

The simulator also clones your computer to display the system apps of an iPhone device – clock, calculator, etc.

The simulator is especially excellent for gaming. Users can run iPhone games on their computer and play it without experience lags.

There is another software like the iPhone simulator called 'iPad simulator'.

The iPad simulator is not standalone software. It is a plug-in that works only on Google Chrome. It works just like the iPhone simulator except that it creates a virtual iPad environment for users to interact with. This simulator makes your computer work like an iPad. It works by cloning your PC to look like an iPad.

The iPad simulator is an official extension plug-in from Apple. This means it comes with a lot of features and is a quality plug-in. One of the best thing about iPad Simulator is that it replicates everything in an iPad including Siri – the voiced AI in apple devices. The addition of Siri means users can also access iCloud and store their information. For users who actuallyown an iPhone, they can easily sync information on their iPhone to their computer with ease. It is available for Google Chrome browser although there are reports it would no longer be available for download. It is worth checking out on the Google Chrome store.

Note: Although the iPhone simulator clones your computer to do everything an iPhone, You cannot use it to download apps or games from the App Store. To download apps, the best you can do is log in to your iTunes account, download the app or game you want. Then after the installation is complete, you can send to your device.

There are other websites – legal ones -where you can download iPhone games. This is especially good for users who do not own an iPhone device. Max browser free download.

Download Link: HERE

Xamarin - iOS Emulator

· Pros

- Ideal for developing apps

· Cons

- Premium in-app purchases

Xamarin emulator should not be confused with another emulator named Xamarin Testflight emulator. While they both serve identical functions, there are a few differences between the two.

Xamarin is also created by Apple Inc. which means it is an official emulator. It allows users to emulate iOS on their PC. It is only for app developers. They use it to test their app's functionality. The app is for professionals and is primarily used for testing apps.

The emulator also has the ability to run some basic apple apps; for example. iMessage. The emulator also comes with features that allow users to debug iOS apps. The emulator comes with some premium features that users have to purchase in- app.

It is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux computers. You can download the emulator HERE.

iDOS Emulator - IOS Emulator Link

· Pros

- Easy to use UI

- Realistic iOS gaming experience

· Cons

Ipad Simulator Pc

- Discontinued software

The penultimate emulator in this list is the ' iDOS emulator'. It gives you a realistic iOS experience on your PC. It is one of the few emulators that provide realistic iOS interface.

You can also use the iDOS emulator to play iOS games. It comes with a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to navigate.

Ipad Simulator Online

You should know that the emulator is no longer receiving updates from its developer. This does not affect its usage in any way. It still works if you download it. it has received great feedback from people who have tested or used it at one point or the other and it is highly recommended.

You can download it HERE

Chrome Os Simulator

Ipad Simulator Download

Conclusion on Best iOS Emulator for Windows 10 PC in 2020

Chrome Extension Ipad Simulators

There are various iOS emulators available in the market. You can try out these emulators and find the perfect one for you. The best iOS emulator will depend on your needs. Do you want an emulator accessible from your browser? You want to get a paid emulator or you want to use a free one? Are you a casual user? Do you need an emulator for testing your apps?

You can find emulator according to your needs.

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